Handy Guide to Hanging Decor on the Wall

We have all done what I call “eyeballing”…enthusiastically hammering nails into bare walls without measuring, only to discover the item was in the wrong spot, the hanger on the back was in the wrong area, or it’s too low or high on the wall. But who has time to sit and painstakingly measure every bit of photos or artwork? Today, we are sharing our handy tips to hang your beloved photos and art on the wall, without losing your mind!

-Know where it should be: Artwork and decor should ideally be at eye level for the average adult. Many people place their art and decorations much higher, especially with high ceilings, which ends up looking awkward and disproportionate. The bottom of most artwork shouldn’t be much higher than four feet away from the ground.

-Do a trial run: You can test out where you may want to hang a picture or artwork by using sticky, removable adhesive or the removable 3M hangers to see if it’s right. This is much less permanent than a nail and can be moved around until you are happy with it. Mark the top of your frame or item with a pencil that can be erased.

-Measure: Yes, you do have to measure. We recommend measuring the top to bottom and the left to right on the wall or space you are hanging on, to find the center. Mark lightly with a pencil. Most importantly, measure the distance from the top of the frame to your hanger, if there is one on the back. This will ensure that you are not one or two inches off the top of the measurement. If you have two hangers on the back, measure to find the center and both edges so that they are equal.

-Ask a helper to hold it on the wall before you hammer! If you can find someone to hold up the photo or artwork on the wall where you intend to hang it, then you can step backwards and make sure it looks right from all angles. Walk around the room to make sure you can view it accurately and with your other decor. Treat a grouping or a gallery wall as one image, in order to achieve the correct look and impact.

Source: Contemporist

Source: Contemporist

Best of Amazon Holiday Decor

If you’re anything like me, you’ve discovered the benefits of Amazon prime! The one-stop shop even allows you to set up monthly deliveries of things like detergent or groceries, and you can basically knock out all your christmas shopping in one sitting with your smart phone! Amazon has grown and grown to include everything from organic products to inexpensive party supplies, and you can always snag a good book or two! Best of all, prime members get their purchases in just two days. But one area that is often overlooked with Amazon, is the home decor selection. They have the most amazing decor items, at super affordable prices! Here are my picks for holiday decor that will arrive quickly to your home, and look like you spent hours searching it out at expensive department stores!

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-Christmas Tree Pillow: this high-end looking pillow is under $10, and has free prime shipping! The cute print and little truck/tree design is perfect for any farmhouse inspired decor scheme, and best of all, it is 18x18 and slips right over your existing pillows as a slipcover. This means you can save space and utilize what you already own. Find it HERE.

-Rustic farmhouse sign: This is a great price, and looks adorable. It is really well made and is under $70, which is pretty affordable for a large sign. It also comes with two hooks for easy hanging and decorating, and looks good with any color theme, because it is such a pretty neutral. At 18x24”, it is large enough to make a big impact on your christmas decorating! Find it HERE.

-Plain burlap stockings: These are somewhat on the thin side, but they accent your existing decor really well, and they are just $12 for three stockings! They look great in front of a fireplace or hanging on a mantel, or you can fill them up and give them as gifts to teachers or friends. They are like a blank canvas, since they are just a simple tan and white design! Find them HERE.

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-Large christmas wreath: Wreaths can be quite expensive, and many are gaudy. This pretty, flocked artificial wreath is the best idea for your front door or even inside your home, layered on a big mirror or windowpane. It’s also filled with enough neutral greens and whites that you could use it year-round or add a little sparkle with added ornaments. It’s a bit spendy at $53, but pretty comparable to any other type of wreath you may find at Target or Home Goods. It’s available HERE.

As you can see, Amazon has tons of pretty christmas items, that are all affordable! Best of all, you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own couch to find them!

How to find the Perfect Candle Scent

I don’t know about you, but finding the perfect candle scent is one of my favorite things in life! That perfect scent can make your home feel so cozy, and can make you think of home instantly when you smell it. When the leaves start changing, I always love to add candles to my home decor, and then when the holidays come, my living spaces smell warm and inviting. How do you find that perfect scent? Here are out best tips!

Source: Yankee Candle

Source: Yankee Candle

Consider where you’ll be using the candle: A candle for a large living room would be quite different than one for a tiny office or bedroom. Always consider the fire hazard in small spaces, and if it seems like burning a candle might be dangerous, use an alternative such as diffuser sticks, essential oils, or plug in scent warmers. Obviously, do not burn candles in children’s rooms where they could be tipped over or forgotten. A lightly scented, very small candle will do next to nothing in a large area with vaulted ceilings, and a huge, heavily scented three wick one will overwhelm a tiny space.

Know what scents you are drawn to: Many people feb strongly about their perfume or cologne, and will often choose similar scented candles. I personally know that heavily scented vanilla candles can give me a headache if I burn it too long, but I love a lightly spiced scent like cloves and cinnamon for my house for a holiday-esque feel. Whether you choose fruity, spicy, strong, or mild, knowing what you want is very helpful.

Buy candles from reputable sources when you can: Of course, we have all picked up a great candle at TJ Maxx or a discount retailer, but what often happens is we cannot find the scent again! Sometimes, they are discounted, or even from past seasons, so they can be old and not as scented. We love Yankee Candle, Woodwick (for a crackling effect) which is perfect in the winter), and Bath and Body Works. Plus, you’ll be more likely to find the same scent over and over as you use it for lengths of time.

-Check out candles from Anthropologie: One of Anthro’s lesser known points is their fragrance lines. We love their many types and brands of perfume, but they also carry candles. We adore the Tocca line and the Volcano candle that’s pretty famous among fashion bloggers for it’s beautiful, luxury look and light fruity scent. I enjoy burning it in the kitchen or bathrooms when guests arrive, because it’s uplifting and not heavy.

-Take care of the candles you have: Don’t leave them in a hot car or outside on the porch (if you order online). Carefully trim your candles according to the instructions they come with, and don’t burn them longer than indicated on their packaging. This will increase how long they last for you, and will ensure you get the most for your money, especially for the pricy candles that you want to maximize!

It’s now just about fall here in Southern Oregon, and I can’t wait to bring out my personal candle collection to welcome in my guests and family! What’s your favorite candle scent?

Decorating a Room with High Ceilings

If you have a room with a vaulted ceiling, it can feel insurmountable to decorate it correctly. You know I'm always at the ready to work with clients to find the right pieces for their home, but I also wanted to share my best tips for working with vaulted ceilings today. If you're someone on a budget, or who struggles to shop for and acquire the "right" pieces, this one is for you!

-Think about the light: Many homes with vaulted ceilings are also blessed with tall, open windows. This is a big blessing when it comes to decor, because flooding areas with natural light is always a positive! If you decide to add additional lighting (which we recommend), look for large, substantial chandeliers or fixtures that won't be dwarfed. You want something that will make a true impact when dealing with such large areas. 

Source: Homethetics 

Source: Homethetics 

-Add warmth and lots of cozy elements: Long, beautiful drapes in a neutral tone can be just the thing to bring the eye towards the middle of the room and not always to the ceiling. We love the idea of white or cream colored curtains, made of thicker linen or even velvet, if you're feeling adventurous. Drapes tend to look nicest in dining areas or common areas of the home, and can even add actual warmth during the winter (which helps with heating those rooms with high ceilings!). 

-Use the right paint color: White and pretty cream shades are ideal for high ceilings...they work well with natural light, and they act as a neutral palette to decorate in the style you prefer. Black and white with a modern farmhouse appeal is a very popular trend right now, yet is timeless enough to last for years. 

Source: Homethetics

Source: Homethetics

-Choose your anchor pieces wisely: While you may love a shorter lamp, or a a tiny coffee table, these items can easily be drowned by the height of your room. Mix your smaller, less impactful pieces with heftier items like a sturdy wooden lamp, tall plant, or large armoire. Tall pieces should be the ones your eyes go to first (along with your lighting), to make your guests feel the space is "evenly laid out". Don't forget to place artwork at appropriate levels where guests can see them, even if it seems tempting to place them really high on the wall. 

-Add stunning wooden beams to your vaulted ceiling. Beams are one of the best ways to make a strong visual impact in an enormous space. Whether you choose painted or natural wood, be sure to have them professionally installed and tested for weight bearing and stability before planning around them! They add a true bit of country and rustic charm, and look incredibly beautiful in open concept homes.


Simple Tips to Keeping your Home Tidy

As a wife and mom, I can definitely assure you that my house is not always magazine-ready. It might look like I just sit back in my perfectly-decorated home (haha!!! As if!), but the truth is that our life is real, messy, and beautiful. We live here. It's where our story always starts. And that means my home isn't always ready for a photoshoot. But I have learned a few tips along the way, about keeping things tidy and organized. A peaceful home really brings joy to me and my family, and helps us keep clutter and chaos (mostly) at bay. Here's a few easy ways to keep up with the cleaning:

Source: Stocksy

Source: Stocksy

-Everything has a place: If you're struggling with your little ones picking up their toys and keeping their things nice, try a visual system. You can print out little cards with the item on it (like a doll or stuffed animals) that you can attach to pretty, practical bins. Then, your children can easily see where things go, and can tidy up on their own. They will probably even think it's a game!

-Get rid of the things you don't need: The best tip I can give is that purging belongings really helps keep things streamlined. I toss old papers, artwork that isn't sentimental or special, school assignments, and old clothes. You can donate things like older dishes, clothes in good shape, and books. I love keeping sentimental items, but it can really fill up too much space and cause me to waste time cleaning up things that don't even need to be in our home. 

-Figure out a weekly system: Instead of doing a big task every day (like scrubbing bathrooms), I try to do one or two large tasks a week. For example, if I deep clean the kitchen and bathrooms once a week on a Monday, then I can just tidy things up and wipe down counters the other days of the week. It helps keep things from piling up and becoming overwhelming for our family.

-Invest in good cleaning products: I like to buy natural and organic cleaners, or use things like baking soda and vinegar to get my home clean without tons of harsh chemicals. I have also found that if I like the scent of the cleaner, it makes me feel better when I clean. I love the smell of essential oils like lavender, because they make the house feel cozy and welcoming, as well as clean. You can make your own cleaners with a tutorial like this one. I also make sure that I have a good mop, vacuum, and dustrags that are in working order and not too hard to use, because it saves time and effort. 

-Get some "hiding" baskets. If you have some catch-alls that you can easily hide some of the more clutter toys and clothing in, it will make picking up in a flash, a little bit easier. You can find large, attractive baskets at places like Home Goods, and stow them in closets or by bookshelves and toss everything in them when you need to stash away belongings for company. 

-Lastly, value your people. No clean house is worth stressing out, snapping at your loved ones, and creating an environment where your children are scared to touch anything! Remember that if you are truly making memories in a happy home, it's okay if it's not perfect. I've learned that sometimes there are dishes in the sink, but I get to bake cookies with my kids! And maybe every surface isn't clutter free, but there is artwork on the fridge, and fresh flowers on the counter. Treasure memories more than perfection. 

Hopefully these ideas helped you realize that not everyone is perfect (even an interior designer), and that doing the best you can is more important than having a home that is not truly lived in!



Best of Target Decor under $50!

Springtime and summer is filled with extra expenses: camping, extra snacks, and sports camps, just to name a few. So when it comes to sprucing up little decor pieces around my house, I love to keep it budget-friendly in this season. As a mom, I think we all know how often we do a "Target run", so I wanted to highlight some of their very adorable and affordable pieces. They have a brand new line called Opal House, and of course, some awesome Magnolia inspired items. Ready? Let's go!

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Opal House is very trendy, and has a boho/Anthropologie vibe. Some pieces are a bit trendy and cheap looking for my personal style and taste, but there are some true gems in the collection as well. These cute mugs would make darling teacher gifts, and they look just like Anthro for only $6 per mug. We also love their serving dishes, which are all under $20, and have a boho summer feel that's perfect for hosting friends on your back porch.

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Hearth and Hand by Magnolia is a little more my speed, and I always have to zip by the aisles quickly, so everything doesn't land in my cart! Here are a few favorites: This steel punched tray is just $35 and it can go basically anywhere in your home! We think it'd look awesome on your dining table, or serving drinks on the patio. It'll also wipe clean and be useful year round because of the natural color. For your table or mantle, you'll also love this darling vase. The edged lip is classic and timeless. 

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When it comes to a versatile item, if you have $35, check out this adorable Threshold pillow with timeless ticking stripes. It's not made of outdoor fabric, but you could put it on a settee that's under cover in case of rain. We also think it looks great piled up with floor cushions around a fireplace, or on a bed that's a neutral palette. This white eyelet pillow has great texture, and of course, you know I love all things cream and white! I hope these ideas have given you inspiration on how to add some spring and summertime flair to your space without going over your budget or spending very much money!

Stay tuned to our blog for the best money-saving and inspiration tips!

The Beginner's Guide to Painting a Room

For some, the mere idea of painting a room strikes fear into their very heart. It conjures up visions of yards and yards of that infamous blue tape, and gallons of paint tipping over beautifully cleaned carpets on accident. Yes, we have all had painting mishaps, but it's not as overwhelming as it may sound. Here are some simple ways to get started when you are considering painting a room.

Source: Becki Owens 

Source: Becki Owens 

  • Get your supplies (and double check them): There's not much worse than beginning an enormous project only to keep making trips to the hardware or paint store! Gathering them at the beginning helps immensely. Here's a shortlist of the items you need: paint (obviously!), paintbrushes and rollers, painters tape (get the brand name kind that peels off easily, such as Scotch blue), a small container for paint that you can easily hold (like a tupperware), paint trays, stirrer sticks, gloves, spackle material for any small holes, dropcloths (and regular, cheaper masking tape to affix them to the floor). We also recommend rags, paint remover, and paper towels, as well as a trash bag or can.
  • To calculate how much paint you may need, the general rule is 400 square feet per gallon. It is wise to get additional paint, in case you spill any, or you need more to cover a tough color like red. If you are using a very large amount of paint, it is recommended to mix two gallons together it in a 5 gallon bucket to prevent variances in color from being very obvious when you change buckets. 
  • Make sure you have adequate ventilation, including fans: Wear a mask if you need to, and be sure to open windows/doors to avoid breathing in paint fumes. Many paints these days are fume-free or low-odor, but you may still get a headache from being in a cramped area and painting. Work from the top down, so paint the ceiling first.
Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

  • If you are up on a ladder, us a small bucket or container: Going up and down a ladder is certainly not a pleasant experience, and also wastes a ton of time. Pour your paint into a smaller bucket to do trim and more detailed painting, rather than walking around over and over. We recommend using a brush along trim and to "cut in" (the first strokes along the edges), and then swapping to a roller to cover more ground. 

For more tips, be sure to check out our post about choosing a paint color HERE!

5 Distressed Furniture Pieces you Need in your Home

One of the hallmarks of the farmhouse aesthetic is a rustic, vintage look. If you’re at all familiar with my blog, then you know that I absolutely love this aesthetic, and have for quite some time. I love the challenge of turning a modern home into a vintage farmhouse paradise, and in the years that I’ve spent transforming 21st century styles into rustic wonderlands I’ve realized that one of the easiest ways to give your home a quick dose of farmhouse is in distressed furniture. It’s the perfect addition to your budding rustic decor, and they’re either easy to find, or to make (figure out how to do that here). Here’s five that you need in your home!

source: pinterest

source: pinterest

Chest of Drawers

You can find one in every home. They’re the backbone to clothing management, and they’re often one of the biggest pieces of furniture in a room. What’s great about their popularity is that you can find them being sold (or given away) just about anywhere. This is great for those who are looking for a distressed set because you’ll often come across them that way, requiring little effort on your part to make it just the way you want. You’ll find them in thrift stores and craigslist, or if you’d like a professional take on the distressed look, on websites like Hayneedle and Wayfair. The cheapest option will always be finding a set that’s seen some better days, and applying a bit of elbow grease to finish them up to your specifications.

Vintage Chandelier

Switching out your kitchen lights for a vintage chandelier can add a wonderful touch of farmhouse to your home while staying well within even the lowest budget. Thrift and antique stores are some of the best places to look for these, and they usually don’t require much of a hunt to find a great one. They’ll often be distressed metal, which is the perfect style for a farmhouse look. If you’re looking for a specific style, Etsy has a great selection, ranging from sculpted metal to rustic wood chandeliers, with some even utilizing unique styles like mason jars, or funnels! They’re great light fixtures to add some rustic character to your home.

source: HGTV

source: HGTV

Distressed Dining Table

Families are bonded around the dinner table. It’s one of the most important pieces of furniture in your home, and if you’re just starting to create your farmhouse, it’s a great place to start from. Finding one in a thrift store won’t be as easy, but sites like craigslist often have ones that are already distressed, or are ready for your handiwork. This is a wonderful place to show off your creativity: you can get a matching set of table and chairs, or you can add a pop of color with painted chairs with that same distressed style. It all comes down to how you’d like it, and in the end, that’s always the best way.

source: lizmarieblog

source: lizmarieblog

Rustic Hutch

What better way is there to display all of your vintage dishes and glasses? The hutch is one of the most popular pieces in homes of all styles, which means you’ll be able to find one that you fall in love with fairly simply. All of the above mentioned places - thrift stores, craigslist, etsy, etc. - will have numerous pieces with lots of character already in them. There are so many styles that really embody the farmhouse aesthetic, with wonderful carved wood and glass panes, which gives you full creative expression to choose one that fits the rest of your unique farmhouse decor.

Milk Paint

Alright, so this isn’t a furniture piece, but it’s key if you’re a DIY-minded creative who wants to make your own distressed and colorful style. This means you can transform any piece you find into a classic farmhouse staple, all from your own hands. If you’re new to milk paint, this is a great blog explaining what it is, how to get it, and some beautiful examples of what you can do with it. Milk paint really gives you the creative freedom to make your home your own.

Those are just a few of the many farmhouse pieces you can add to your home to make it warmer, and bring the whole family together. I hope it helps you make your farmhouse home truly yours!

Working with a Color Palette in Your Home

When creating a color palette for your home, there are many different aspects to consider. I wanted to share some ideas today, that will simplify the process. A color palette can be the starting point for all of your decorating decisions, and can really help hone in some of the big choices like furniture and wall colors. Here are some of my tips for searching for, and utilizing, a color palette:


-Begin with your foundational pieces: Some items in your home, such as the outer color, cupboards, or carpets are already part of your home color scheme. If it is not ideal or affordable for you to renovate every piece of your home, you have to consider those items when putting together a color palette. Consider which items are not being replaced, and which items may be there for years to come. 


-Build a tangible memory board: Sure, Pinterest is handy, but a regular poster board can actually be really fun to put together, and put ideas on. You can consider it your inspiration board, and can add clippings and paint swatches to it for ideas. You can also add carpet squares, or wood samples to a physical board, although it might be heavy. It can be a great poster to show your designer, if you go with a pro (like me! :)

-Decide if you want monochromatic or lots of different colors. I love the monochromatic look, and  if you know me, you know that clean whites, and warm creams are the stuff I go to most often. They make a room look larger, crisper, and more modern, while still warm. Harmonious colors are those that are close in the color wheel. These generally look very nice together. Complementary colors add a bit more contrast, and appear across from each other on the color wheel. Find more info about the color wheel HERE.


De-Clutter and Simplify for Spring

When the blue skies come out...I head inside. Why? Well, I start spring cleaning! Now, for a busy working mom like myself, it's hard to find time to de-clutter, and it seems we have an influx of things always coming IN, rather than going out. But, I love the feeling of breathing a little easier and clearing out things we aren't using. Every spring, the urge to pare down our belongings and clutter comes on strong and I love the way it motivates me! Here are some of my best tips for clearing out the things you don't need, and giving yourself more room to be creative, feel more focused, and bring more peace to your home. After all, less stuff means less time spent stressing over, and cleaning, all the things. 

Source: The Spruce

Source: The Spruce

Make three piles: I like to use laundry baskets for this, but you can also use something like large paper bags or wicker baskets. Label them TOSS, DONATE, and SELL. I tackle one room at a time, such as the kitchen, or a bedroom, and divide any clutter items into these three piles. Selling items on craigslist or Facebook takes quite a lot of time, so remember to be realistic, and don't save something to sell it, if you know you never will. Donation items should be in working order, and anything broken or yucky should go right into the trash pile.

Transport donations or sale items immediately: I've learned that the secret to really getting those piles out of my house, is to do it right away. Otherwise, they sit and I either change my mind, or end up moving the piles around the house. I use the same philosophy for yard sales: when things don't sell, we load them up right away to a donation spot, so we don't have to bring them back into the house. If you're looking for places to donate that aren't the typical Goodwill or salvation army, consider donating to a women's shelter or somewhere similar.

Source: Man of Many

Source: Man of Many

Schedule time to de-clutter: Actually writing a day or time down on a calendar helps really ensure the job gets done. Find childcare if you need to, and block out a few hours to get uninterrupted progress made. Ideally, you could sort or toss things once a month, to make it more manageable, but every three months is also a good plan. I read in an article once that when you schedule an hour of cleaning, also schedule an hour of self care, because that is how you keep your house and your mind clear! I thought that was very wise advice!

Source: Lopes Blog

Source: Lopes Blog

Do small tasks daily to stay ahead: Set aside 10 minute a day to deal with the day-to-day clutter. Sort through your kids' backpacks or school bags, toss junk mail, clean out your purse or work bag, and weed out things from the fridge. Just these simple things will keep your days running smoothly, and you'll feel more productive and less bogged down. 


5 Easy Ways to Add Farmhouse Style to Your Home

The farmhouse aesthetic is my favorite thing. I’ve had some of the most fun in my life just thinking of ways I can make my home more and more rustic and homey, and so far, I’ve haven’t run out of ways to add more farmhouse into my home. Transforming my home into a more rustic and warm place to live has taken a long time, though, and it could end up being quite a commitment. Thankfully, there are many easy ways to bring a farmhouse style into your home, if you want to explore it a bit at a time. Here’s five to get you started:

Farmhouse artwork

source: countryliving.com

source: countryliving.com

One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways of ushering in that farmhouse feel is picking up some artwork that really encapsulates the rustic aesthetic - which is easier than it sounds. It’s as easy as perusing some art websites for prints, or going down to your local art store and picking out a couple farm-inspired paintings to bring home. Anything that will accent your decor, and give it more of a rustic feel. It’s up to your personal taste, so pick out something that you really love!

Display your decorative plates

source: pinterest

source: pinterest

Chances are, you already have what you need for this one. Maybe you inherited some nice dinnerware from your grandmother, and they’ve been lying around collecting dust ever since. The farmhouse style is all about vintage decorations, and your antique plates might be just perfect to bring that rustic feel into your home. Spend some time thinking about where best to showcase them, and plan out a nice pattern before you hang them up. Often, it’s the kitchen or the dining area where they fit best, and it’s sure to add that rustic and sentimental atmosphere you’re looking for.

Rustic cupboards/hutches

source: pinterest

source: pinterest

This one might end up requiring a bit more effort from you, but the result is worth every minute. It’s so easy to find a nice, older cupboard or hutch on websites like craigslist or etsy, but it might need a bit of restoration to bring them back to life. Thankfully, the distressed look is what you’re wanting to get out of them, and you’ll get as much love out of them as you put into them. They can be the perfect piece to pull a room together, and set the mood for the whole floor. It might be the perfect project for you, and it’s one of the most useful ways to add farmhouse to your home.


Hang your pots and pans

Could it be as simple as this? It sure is! The farmhouse aesthetic is about your home looking lived in, and hanging up your cookware will not only accomplish this, but also serve to make your kitchen more efficient. Your cast-iron skillets will have never looked better, and it’ll help keep the that rustic flow consistent throughout your whole home, kitchen included.

Get a farm table

source: countryliving.com

source: countryliving.com

This is one of my all-time favorite pieces of furniture in my home. Not only is it the epitome of what a farmhouse aesthetic is all about, but it’s a place where my family comes to share our lives over a meal. That’s what the rustic way of living is really trying to recapture, that lifestyle focused on slowing down to appreciate the things that really matter, like family and good food. Fortunately, it’s easy to track down a farm table, and as far as tables go, they’re durable and look fantastic. If you’re going to do one of the things on this list, do this.

The farmhouse style isn’t just about going back in time, it’s about bringing that olden time into today, and recapturing that lifestyle that we’ve seemed to have lost. It’s about slowing down and really appreciating what matters most, and for me, that’s family. I think you’ll see that once you start adding some of these rustic options in your home, you’ll start to appreciate what you love more and more.

Making Your Home a Haven of Self-Care

We know, life is stressful. Your home shouldn't be. But how do you curate a home that makes you walk in and immediately drop all your stress and burdens? That's what today's blog is all about. Here are five ways to help your home become the place you always want to be:

Diffuse essential oils: Even if you don't believe in the medicinal properties of essential oils, they smell delightful and can really lift your mood. We recommend lemon or lavender oils for a very relaxing feel. They are also less toxic than some candles, which may be great for those with asthma or who are sensitive to strong candle scents. 

Source: Budget Decorator 

Source: Budget Decorator 

Mix up textures: We like the idea of mixing up textures in your living spaces, especially with pillows and throws. It's no secret that we love a good throw blanket, because they add instant coziness to a space. Plus, little ones love making forts or beds with them, and they're great for curling up with a good book or a movie! If you need a new throw, try this affordable, machine washable twin blanket from Target. It's bigger than a traditional blanket and extra warm. It comes in plenty of pretty neutral colors.

Get some fresh magazines and books to read: In the digital age, it can be hard to step away from your phone and laptop, but a good book can be just the ticket. Check out Oprah's book club for some great reads that will keep you inspired and expand your mind. A magazine like Real Simple or Southern Living is a relaxing read for a long bath, and you don't have to be too worried if the pages slip into the bathwater!

Source: Craftatholics 

Source: Craftatholics 

Try a bath bomb: The bath bombs from LUSH are our absolute favorites. They are cruelty free and made with organic ingredients that are good for your skin. They are definitely a pricey luxury, but you will love the way they instantly relax your muscles and make you feel capable of handling anything that comes your way!

Change out your photos: Studies show looking at photos can improve our mood and make us feel more energized! Swap out old photos in the frames and shelves in your home for newer memories, and make your home a place where your family can always look around and feel loved! Order fresh canvases or framed prints for photos that have been languishing in drawers or on your computer or smartphone...they will definitely make your home feel more personal and relaxing!

Hearth and Hand with Magnolia: Home Decor

Happy new year! Even though it’s only been a little over a week into 2018, it’s been a great year so far. So many people are making new resolutions to live a better life in this new year, and I’m no stranger to it. Whether it’s resolving to exercise more, or to completely change up the decor in your home, a change can be nice. One of the changes that I love to make is putting up some of Target’s Hearth and Hand collection decor, made in collaboration with Magnolia. The whole line is full of some of the most wonderful pieces you’ll find, and they’re very affordable.


Case in point, this lovely eucalyptus wreath! I love to fit my decor advice into the farmhouse aesthetic, and this wreath would be great for it. Now that we’re nearing the tail end of winter, it’s about time to start thinking about spring decorations, and this wreath is a wonderful transition between the two seasons. Hang it on the front door if your color scheme allows, or hang it indoors to bring a little green in to help liven things up. 


While it’s winter, it can be tough to get fresh flowers that last. Thankfully, Hearth and Hand has quite the catalog of flower bundles, fillers, and stems that will last well past the first crocuses of spring start to bloom. And these decorations look so nice, you may just want to skip the fresh flowers entirely this year, if you wouldn’t miss the scent so much. There are astilbe flower bundles in pink and white, eucalyptus stems, or even succulent stems, and vases are easily accessible and easy to order along with any bundles you may choose.

One of the things I love most about the farmhouse style is all of the little accessories and trinkets that add to the whole rustic atmosphere. Like this wood and wire tray, any sort of wood accents you can sprinkle in will add a lot to the whole feel of your home. Metal accents like this galvanized storage bin will add more of a country feel to your decor, or a woven poplar basket will help tie the whole room together. Building a themed decor requires that you think about all the little things just as much as the big, and Hearth and Hand makes this easy!


Resolutions can be difficult to keep. Anything that helps us along the way is a valuable asset, and if you’re redecorating for spring, then this is one of the best ways to do so. The whole line is huge, and everything I mentioned doesn’t even scratch its surface. There’s no shame in taking the easy route - if you’re wanting a change, this is the best one to make! 

Decorating for Thanksgiving

Decorating for Thanksgiving


I can smell it now: the pumpkin pie cooling on the windowsill, the marshmallow topping melting over the tender yams, and the glorious turkey (or ham) sizzling in the oven, filling up your kitchen with the best of scents. It’s one of my favorite times of year, and I can’t wait until get to put up my decorations every year! There’s so many great ideas for sprucing up your home with autumn’s charm, but I’ll start you off with a couple of my favorite picks.

The first place you think of when thanksgiving runs across your mind is the dinner table. The whole holiday takes place around it! It’s always a challenge preparing the feast you eat off it, let alone sorting through the difficulties that come in deciding how to decorate it! But once you decide on a general theme, everything falls into place. For example, pumpkins never fail to bring the fruits of fall into your dining room, and to break from the mold you can use white pumpkins to foster a softer atmosphere, and paired with some candles, white flowers, and other accent pieces that fit your theme, you get an all around cleaner look. 

Or, focus on rounds of wood for your place settings and surround them with greenery for a rustic, earthy style. If you’re not as much into wood slices, you can get the same farmhouse look with rope coil charges, and they’re not hard to make yourself! For the plates themselves, follow your color palette and either fold your napkins into a festive shape, or use them as an accent to the rest of the table. Use bits of greenery, like a sprig of sage on your plate setting as a garnish of sorts. While it’s not much on its own, it’s the small things that really pull a style together.


One thing you want to avoid is a busy table, though. The only thing you want overwhelming your guests is the sense of awe they get from staring at your beautiful table full of wonderful food, right before they dig in. Holidays are my favorite times of the year, and they’re one of those few moments in life where you can really make something your own. You can spend forever thinking about all the different trends and styles going around these days, but it’s important to remember to do what you like to do, since it’s your own home, after all. So take some of these ideas, put in some of your own, and make this thanksgiving one for the photo album!

How to Choose the Perfect Farmhouse Paint

If you know me, you know that I keep moving all day long. From planning our meals, to taking my girls to and from activities, work, or date-night with my husband, I so often seem to come home exhausted. Don’t get me wrong, I love to stay active! But some days I need to just come home and relax. That’s why I love the farmhouse aesthetic. When I walk into my living room, it’s like walking through a time machine to a simpler time. It’s a calming nostalgia that instantly relaxes me.

It takes a beautiful pairing of muted, natural colors and rustic furniture style to achieve this restful, cozy feel, but with some planning it’s becomes an easy process! The pros use paint that costs upwards of sixty dollars a gallon, but you don’t need an expensive hue to look professional!

Here are a few colors that will transform your home without breaking your bank.

Off-white: I love the dining room above! The modern furniture perfectly compliments the rustic architecture, and the off-white tone pulls the room together beautifully. Just look out for the undertones, otherwise you can end up with a white that has a darker hue than you’d like. There are many variants of whites - like Cottage White or Simply White - that won’t run up the bill, and each have that unmistakable farmhouse charm. I can just imagine the delicious smell of a homemade apple pie fresh from the oven on that table!

Comfort Grey: Above is a beautiful example of a farmhouse grey. This grey goes perfectly with the brilliant white furniture, a staple of the modern rustic style. While more expensive than a gallon of off-white, it immediately creates a soft, cozy atmosphere where you can snuggle up on the couch to enjoy some herbal tea and a good book.

Svelte Sage: If you need a pop of color, this fantastic green will look wonderful paired with a white trim, as in this photo, and black or brown accents against the wall tie it together neatly - and professionally - and makes you feel as if you’ve just come in from tending your peach orchard. This cool, calming green instantly soothes me when I see it.

Source: Magnolia Home

Source: Magnolia Home

If you need a bit more of a relaxing atmosphere in your home, natural farmhouse colors are your best bet! Not only does it have that fixer-upper feel to it, it has that down-to-earth quality that always seems to slow down life, even if it is just relaxed at home. But that’s where we need that most, isn’t it?

Cottage Remodel for Life at the FARM

We recently freshened up this cute little cottage, and I wanted to share it to inspire you, especially if you have a space you don’t absolutely love! We started by installing elegant, clean lines with batten boards to give character to the walls. It now is reminiscent of an old caretaker’s cottage. Then, we moved onto new flooring that felt like washed, aged oak, and began the journey to change the layout of the kitchen. 

Of course, you know my love for lighting fixtures, and we changed the one out above the table and throughout the little house for a brand-new look. It made a world of difference!

The dated bathroom had three mirrors, so we streamlined with two beautiful oval ones instead. we added vessel sinks, beautiful faucets, and new hardware. We also painted the cabinets a creamy white, and added dark hardware for a cottage look. And of course, you’ll see a touch of shiplap!

Above, you can see the dark, dated, and closed off space that was here before! What a big difference!

We added fresh dark lighting fixtures to get some nice contrast, more shiplap, some elegant marble counters, hardware, and newly painted cabinets! We framed into the mirrors and also re-did the floors in here. It’s hard to believe it’s the same space, but these changes made a big difference and now, it’s ready and filled with light!

Wallpaper! It’s back, in a big way! | Trends and Style Inspiration

“Ewwww.....wallpaper!” I hear that every now and again, from clients or friends who instantly envision grandma’s beige and red floral print, or a neon yellow and green seventies concoction. I’m here to tell you, wallpaper is back, and it’s certainly not the wallpaper from yesteryears! Wallpaper has historically been known to make spaces feel smaller, or clutter-y, and the heavy patterns and dull tones of old wallpaper (along with the horrible process of hanging it) has made most homeowners cringe at the mention of putting some back up! Let me introduce you to the new, beautiful, and modern wallpaper styles:

Photos:  Left Pam Cards Hallway | Middle Nicety Live Journal | Right Pam Cards Guest Room

Photos:  Left Pam Cards Hallway | Middle Nicety Live Journal | Right Pam Cards Guest Room

Rifle Paper: This artisan paper company has everything from gorgeous prints to their stunning, statement wallpaper. Whether you’re doing a small space, or a whole room (we love the idea of a small single wall for a big impact), their unexpected prints (like pineapples and bold florals) keep things polished but a little bit quirky. Find their whole wallpaper shop HERE.

Anthropologie: Ever our go-to for all things pretty and fun, Anthro always can be counted on for gorgeous wallpaper prints. We love their interesting takes on colors and textures, like this “Greenest Garden” style, which you can find HERE. Their “pergola” wallpaper, with it’s elegant blue and white color scheme would be so unique in an office, and offer a very classic feel. Be sure to measure carefully or have the installer measure for you before ordering so you know how much you need...the prices are pretty steep for paper, and you don’t want to buy and cut extra rolls!

Photo Amazon

Wondering how to hang your newly acquired purchase? We like this tutorial from This Old House, which although tedious, offers careful and precise directions. Not ready to make the jump to spendy, semi-permanent wallpaper? There are tons of adhesive wallpapers that peel right off...these would be ideal for apartments or rented homes, where you are not allowed to hang more permanent coverings. Would you believe the brick beauty above is temporary?? We found that piece at Amazon.com . It’s the perfect way to test out a print or theme.

Considering wallpaper? We would love to offer consultations on your personal space and how to incorporate this trend today! Contact us here

Shiplap Love | Trend Watch and Inspiration

Since the rise of Fixer Upper, the TV show that America has fallen in love with, shiplap has become a household name! The pretty technique of overlapping boards to form rustic looking walls has become the go-to for the perfect farmhouse look. The boards and the style are traditionally used as siding on exteriors of sheds and barns, but it looks amazing inside as well. Whether you whitewash it, or leave it natural, it can add a subtle cohesion to any room (yes, even a bathroom).  Joanna Gaines adds quite a bit of white shiplap to her project homes, but there’s a lot of other ways to use it to freshen up a space. Here are a few of our favorite inspiration photos:

Image via: Left- The Inspired Room | Right- Jenna Sue Designs

We love the calming blue tones and gray shiplap in the bathroom above; it makes us feel like we are at the beach! Not every room has to have a farmhouse look, though. Shiplap can even be incorporated into a much more modern look.

This was my favorite home on the Portland Street of dreams tour.  It is a mix of Farmhouse meets the Hamptons.  I love the mix of textures in the shiplap, marble countertops and flooring.  The added glow from the barn pendant light fixture keep it fresh and industrial. Here, the shiplap extends across the walls and is mimicked in the gray built-in-hutch. This is such a gorgeous take on the style!

Lastly, a beautiful take on shiplap in the kitchen, placed as the backsplash instead of the classic subway tile. The mix of white and brass keep the visual interest, and the stainless steel appliances add highlights as well as function. Did you know you can also fake the look of shiplap? If you’re on a tight budget, you can try faux shiplap like THIS blog did, with beautiful results (not as long-lasting as true shiplap, so beware if you’re trying to invest in a long term look). 

Recently, we are having shiplap run horizontal above a fireplace in a room with 20' ceilings.  In the same house, running down a long hallway, we have had a very tall wainscoting made out of vertical shiplap boards installed.  This is going to be the prettiest hallway ever!  The wainscoting will be topped with a beautiful patterned wallpaper in a neutral hue.  I will share photos from this house once it is all complete!

Love shiplap like we do? Where would you hang some in your home?

Love your Home this fall | Trend Watch and Inspiration

Pillow from Etsy

We love our summer whites around here, and the breezy, bohemian feel of the warmer months. But, Autumn is calling, and it’s time to get our homes ready! We are swapping out lightweight linens, crisp whites and citrus scents for the rich textures of fall, spicy candles, and rustic tones like oatmeal, pewter and burnt orange. Here’s our ideas to get your home ready for the crisper, cooler weather... just add a pumpkin latte and a good book!

Photos: Left & Right-Betsy Blue Photography | Middle: Pottery Barn

These richly toned pumpkin pillows will add a quick burst of fall colors to a neutral room without a ton of expense. The intricate panel on each pillow is velvet, and you know I am all about the mix of textures! You can find them right here at Pottery Barn. We also like this pumpkin pillow and it’s watercolor look (it would look great on a grey or taupe couch, or a big cozy chair. 

Nothing says “fall” like a big, woven basket. While Pottery Barn shows it filled with pinecones, we think this basket would be adorable filled with cozy throws! We love this cable-knit throw from Target (and it’s under $50) in the marigold color. Try pairing it up with a faux fur throw for a welcoming look.  Don’t forget your table decor...after all, that’s where you’ll be serving up fabulous treats for Thanksgiving and all your holiday parties this fall. We really love the terra cotta pumpkins from Ballard Designs...they’re unexpected and elegant in their own way, and they look stunning with mercury pumpkin accents for a nice contrast. Add in taupe linens and rustic pieces for the perfect centerpiece that will leave your guests raving! 

Photos:  Left-Restoration Hardware | Right-Pottery Barn

Fall Goodness for your Home | Recipes and Inspiration

My adorable family 5 years ago.  Photo by Tonya Poitevint Photography

As someone who loves community, family, and togetherness, I love when the seasons make their way into my kitchen. There is something so beautiful and rich about family gathered in the kitchen. It’s part of what I love about my home...the people in it, and the memories we are making. Today, I want to share just some of my favorite items for the kitchen, and one simply fabulous recipe for pumpkin scones! 

Photos: Left Olivia Leigh Photography | Middle Williams-Sonoma | Right Nikita Lee Photography

Williams-Sonoma Home is always one of my favorite places to find beautiful, lasting pieces for my kitchen. This season, you’ll find plenty of ivory and white pieces, anchored with plenty of fall colors like orange and sage green. I love this antique white platter for something like Thanksgiving, piled high with stuffing or rolls! I also found this gorgeous hemstitch tablecloth in the ‘pumpkin’ color, just right for putting all those lovely dishes on!

Photos:  Williams Sonoma

Of course, you’ll need some baked goodness to pile into your new dishes, so here’s our favorite recipe for pumpkin scones. Their slightly spicy, warm and crumbly texture will be just right for any fall gathering, and guess what? They taste pretty darn close to their Starbucks counterparts (shhhh...we won’t tell!). Here’s the easy recipe, courtesy of Food.com

Pumpkin Scones

2 cups all-purpose flour
7 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
1⁄2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1⁄2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1⁄4 teaspoon ground cloves
1⁄4 teaspoon ground ginger
6 tablespoons cold butter
1⁄2 cup canned pumpkin
3 tablespoons half-and-half
1 large egg

Powdered Sugar Glaze:
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tablespoon powdered sugar
2 tablespoons whole milk

  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Lightly oil a baking sheet or line with parchment paper.
  2. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and spices in a large bowl. Using a pastry knife, fork, or food processor, cut butter into the dry ingredients until mixture is crumbly and no chunks of butter are obvious. Set aside.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk together pumpkin, half and half, and egg. Fold wet ingredients into dry ingredients. Form the dough into a ball.
  4. Pat out dough onto a lightly floured surface and form it into a 1-inch thick rectangle (about 9 inches long and 3 inches wide). Use a large knife or a pizza cutter to slice the dough twice through the width, making three equal portions. Cut those three slices diagonally so that you have 6 triangular slices of dough. Place on prepared baking sheet.
  5. Bake for 14 to 16 minutes. Scones should begin to turn light brown. Place on wire rack to cool.
  7. Mix the powdered sugar and 2 tbsp milk together until smooth.
  8. When scones are cool, use a brush to paint plain glaze over the top of each scone.
