When the blue skies come out...I head inside. Why? Well, I start spring cleaning! Now, for a busy working mom like myself, it's hard to find time to de-clutter, and it seems we have an influx of things always coming IN, rather than going out. But, I love the feeling of breathing a little easier and clearing out things we aren't using. Every spring, the urge to pare down our belongings and clutter comes on strong and I love the way it motivates me! Here are some of my best tips for clearing out the things you don't need, and giving yourself more room to be creative, feel more focused, and bring more peace to your home. After all, less stuff means less time spent stressing over, and cleaning, all the things.
Source: The Spruce
Make three piles: I like to use laundry baskets for this, but you can also use something like large paper bags or wicker baskets. Label them TOSS, DONATE, and SELL. I tackle one room at a time, such as the kitchen, or a bedroom, and divide any clutter items into these three piles. Selling items on craigslist or Facebook takes quite a lot of time, so remember to be realistic, and don't save something to sell it, if you know you never will. Donation items should be in working order, and anything broken or yucky should go right into the trash pile.
Transport donations or sale items immediately: I've learned that the secret to really getting those piles out of my house, is to do it right away. Otherwise, they sit and I either change my mind, or end up moving the piles around the house. I use the same philosophy for yard sales: when things don't sell, we load them up right away to a donation spot, so we don't have to bring them back into the house. If you're looking for places to donate that aren't the typical Goodwill or salvation army, consider donating to a women's shelter or somewhere similar.
Source: Man of Many
Schedule time to de-clutter: Actually writing a day or time down on a calendar helps really ensure the job gets done. Find childcare if you need to, and block out a few hours to get uninterrupted progress made. Ideally, you could sort or toss things once a month, to make it more manageable, but every three months is also a good plan. I read in an article once that when you schedule an hour of cleaning, also schedule an hour of self care, because that is how you keep your house and your mind clear! I thought that was very wise advice!
Source: Lopes Blog
Do small tasks daily to stay ahead: Set aside 10 minute a day to deal with the day-to-day clutter. Sort through your kids' backpacks or school bags, toss junk mail, clean out your purse or work bag, and weed out things from the fridge. Just these simple things will keep your days running smoothly, and you'll feel more productive and less bogged down.